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Before you buy

Before you buy, please take into consideration that colors or shades appear differently depending on the lighting in my pictures.

In the event that a pattern or fabric is out of stock, I will choose something that is comparable. I will reach out to you, via email, to advise of the change.

Please be available via email, just in case I need to reach you regarding your order.

I do have access to Long Sleeved shirts. If you'd like to request, please contact me, so I can check for availability.

Featured Children

I love picture mail! I love seeing the kids rock their outfits or products purchased from ECD Embroidery. If you are interested in having your child on our homepage, please send a picture(s) to

Rush Order Requests

I do accept rush orders at a starting price of $25 Please reach out to me before you purchase a product that needs to be rushed. Once we touch base, I will let you know if I can accommodate your request. I will waive the fee, if I'm not busy with other orders.

Rights, Copyrights/Trademark

Please be advised that we do not own the rights to any of the images displayed on this platform. We are not claiming any of its content. Images are solely used for the customer experience. Prices are based on the time and materials required to make each item.

Meet Tristan!

Tristan had a fun time at his Chuck E Cheese themed birthday party.

Tristan and his twin sister Leylah sported matching Chuck E Cheese outfits made by ECD Embroidery.

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Handmade items are often cherished for their unique and personal touch. It showcases creativity and skill. I'm excited to share that with you.